Coaching Educators
Project IMPACT’s approach emphasizes the importance of sustained coaching to help educators establish and maintain effective teaching practices for improving outcomes for their students with ESN. On this page, readers will find training modules, coaching forms, and links to conference presentations describing findings from IMPACTs implementation in schools.
Teaching and Coaching Adult Learners Training Modules

Module 7: Coaching Sessions
Coaching Adult Learners: Instructional Videos
In this series of videos, Project IMPACT staff describe key elements of coaching and provide examples of how these can be used to support educators in improve literacy outcomes for their students with extensive support needs.
Coaching Session Forms
This coaching form can be used when supporting members of the educational team in implementing story-based lessons in special and general education classrooms. The form permits the coach to record the coaching format, instructional arrangement observed, and coaching method/practice implemented. The form provides the coach with targeted areas of support commonly identified during story-based lessons. Finally, the form guides the coach to review previous action steps, identify strengths and areas for growth, provide instruction, and identify both the instructor’s and coaches’ next steps.
Online form to add to Google Drive